Educational models used in teaching and assessment

Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide

Used to assess doctor-patient consultations by considering key components of the Calgary-Cambridge consultation model: initiating the session, gathering data, providing structure, building the relationship, giving information and closing the session

Consultation Observation Tool

Used by GP trainers to critically evaluate trainee GPs as part of their workplace based assessment.

Honey and Mumford questionnaire

Identifies the preferred learning style(s) to aid the selection of the optimal education experience to suit that style.
Four learning styles:

  1. Activists

  2. Reflectors

  3. Theorists

  4. Pragmatists

Johari Window tool

Structured tool to improve intra-group (within group) and inter-group (between groups) self-awareness and mutual understanding, and thereby benefit group dynamics.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Questionnaire

Determines which one of the 16 personality types is most representative of the individual.

Dr Meredith Belbin

Individuals in a team assumed different ‘team roles’ in relation to behaviour, contribution and interrelation with others.

The questionnaire tool identifies the 9 types of personality that are important to team working.

VAK learning styles

Most people use a combination of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning styles.