Opioid overdose

In a Medical Setting: by intravenous injection

For Child 1 month–11 years Initially 100 micrograms/kg (max. per dose 2 mg)
if no response, repeat at intervals of 1 minute to a max. of 2 mg,

For Child 12–17 years Initially 400 micrograms, then 800 micrograms, then 800 micrograms at 1 minute interval
if no response—> 2 mg for one dose—> if still no response—-> 4 mg dose for one in seriously poisoned patients

For Adult Initially 400 micrograms, then 800 micrograms, then 800 micrograms at 1 minute intervals
if no response—> 2 mg for one dose—> if still no response—-> 4 mg dose for one in seriously poisoned patients

Overdosage with opioids in a non-medical setting

Doses can be given by subcutaneous or intramuscular routes but only if intravenous route is not feasible.

By intramuscular injection

For Adult 400 micrograms every 2–3 minutes, each dose given in subsequent resuscitation cycles if patient not breathing normally.


By intranasal administration

For Adult 1.8 mg, administered into one nostril, if no response, give a second dose after 2–3 minutes.
Further doses should be administered into alternate nostrils.

Remove offending opioid

for example remove fentanyl patch

Dr Rajesh VarmaNALOXONE